ACCASP Funded Research
Ocean acidification chemistry and other climate monitoring across six regions
Vulnerability Assessment
- Biological experimentation on shellfish, lobsters, eelgrass
- Coastal infrastructure – index and tool development for sea level change
- Assessment – Arctic stocks, thermal threshold Pacific, river and lake models for temperature, predicted productivity changes for Atlantic
Applied Ocean Modeling
- Sea-ice, storm surge, Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific, climate predictions, hypoxia events
Other DFO OA Research
Long-term monitoring program examples:
- Labrador Sea (AR7W) and Halifax extension (deep ocean) annual (usually in May since 1992)
- Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program ACCASP enhanced observations (oceanographic sections sampled 1 to 3 times per year since 2014)
- Bedford Basin (coastal) weekly observations
- Shediac Valley, St. John Harbour, and Rimouski station pCO2 buoys (since 2015/2016 – may be expanded)
- NERACOOS sections (eastern Gulf of Maine)
Other field research examples:
- Davis Strait process analysis of physics and chemistry observation – gateway from Arctic to Atlantic (with NSF/NOAA)
K. Azetsu-Scott - Hudson Bay Ecosystem
K. Azetsu-Scott & M. Starr
Industry research
- Applied research to support aquaculture and fisheries through ACRDP and SPERA programs (e.g. oysters, mussels, snow crabs)